ISO 9001



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ISO 9001 Certification

We have always been proud of the quality of the goods and services that we offer and Axicon’s management systems have been ISO 9001 certified since 1993. We are currently certified to the latest quality standard ISO 9001:2015.


Externally assessed by Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance, our certification gives you the peace of mind that we will consistently deliver goods and services above your expectations. We always welcome feedback from clients about any aspect of our work, and continually look to make enhancements to improve the quality of our systems and procedures


Axicon was also the first company to gain the status of Accredited Solution Provider - Barcode from GS1-UK and is a preferred supplier to several major retailers and blue chip manufacturers.

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AXICON AUTO ID 是条码验证的世界领先者。自从1989年起,我公司已经开发和制造了属于自己的一系列条码检测仪。AXICON检测仪用于检测1维条码和Matrix条码的质量和 所有不同类型的产品包装条码。




+44 (0)1869 351155

+01 (434) 939 9647

Weston on the Green


OX25 3QP, UK

© 2024 Axicon Auto ID Limited

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